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The Gol Mountains are located at the north-end of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and is an example of a fault-bounded mountain range. They rise from the open short grass plains that attract migratory wild animals and predators, to a height of 915m above its base. Continuous faulting lowered the rocks to the east, leaving the rocks to the west to form the mountains. The Gol Mountains, the rocks consist of highly-fractured metamorphic quartzite, virtually identical to that seen in the Soitoo Hills.
The area is teeming with wildlife during the rainy season, from March to June, as opposed to the dry months, when the vegetation turns dusty brown.
The dusts blown by volcano eruptions landed on these plains, showcasing the area’s uniqueness during the rainy season, when the plains are most fertile with very nutritious pasture, attracting large concentrations of migratory animals such as wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle.
The Sale Plains are situated near the Gol Mountains.
Ngorongoro is managed by a different government authority namely Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA). To get their details including fees kindly visit their website
The Ngorongoro Crater is home to much more than wildlife safaris, with important cultural and archaeology here too.
Away from the wildlife, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area has other areas of significance. Oldupai Gorge is one of Africa’s most important archaeological excavations where some of the world’s most humanoid remains were discovered.
The Ngorongoro Crater is the world's largest intact and unfilled volcanic caldera and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area's main tourists’ attraction.
The Olduvai Gorge is a remarkable archaeological site in East Africa and It is the one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world with crucial evidence of human evolution.
The Empakai crater is one of the multi-volcanic calderas in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, with a beautiful lake that makes up more than 75% of its crater floor.
The Nasera rock is situated about 20 kilometers North of Olduvai Gorge. An admirable rock standing 100 metres above the plains.
The Olduvai Gorge Museum is an onsite museum built next to the most famous archaeological site in East Africa. It is situated six kilometers from the main road junction where the Zinjanthropus monument stands on the way to Serengeti National Park.Â
The Endoro Waterfalls is a source of a natural spring that forms the Endoro River, which flows from the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater.
The Olkarien Gorge is a massive granite monolith on the outskirts of the Gol Mountains in northern Tanzania.It is a nesting site for hundreds of the Ruppell's griffon vulture.
Olmoti Crater is situated at the Northern end of the Ngorongoro Crater, and offers scenic view of highlands. It is a water a catchment for Ngorongoro rich in flora and fauna.
Laetoli is one of Africa's most important paleontological site with evidence of early human bipedalism dating back 3.76 mya.
Is a moving black dune, composed of volcanic ash from the nearby volcanic mountain - oldoinyo lengai. It is moving slowly westwards across the Ngorongoro plains at a rate of about 15 to 20m per year.
Mount Lolmalasin is the crater mountain in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the third highest mountain in Tanzania standing at 3700m above sea level.
The Gol Mountains are located at the north-end of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and is an example of a fault-bounded mountain range.Â
The Ndutu plains is located in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, on the outskirts of the Southern Serengeti plains. It is where the great migration wildebeest migration take place in Ngorongoro.
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