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Wildebeest roam the plains surrounding the rock, baboons climb its sides, and a diverse array of bird life can be observed from here. It is an important nesting site for hundreds of Rüppell’s griffon vultures, which breed in March and April when the plains are plentiful of food.  Â
During the dry season, the Olkarien Gorge serves as an important water catchment area for both people and wildlife. It also serves as a home to a plethora of migratory wild animals during the great migration. Hundreds of vultures can be spotted soaring, circling, and gliding down to their nests as you walk through the Gorge.Â
Wildebeest roam the plains surrounding the rock, baboons climb its sides, and a diverse array of bird life can be observed from here. It is an important nesting site for hundreds of Rüppell’s griffon vultures, which breed in March and April when the plains are plentiful of food.  Â
During the dry season, the Olkarien Gorge serves as an important water catchment area for both people and wildlife. It also serves as a home to a plethora of migratory wild animals during the great migration. Hundreds of vultures can be spotted soaring, circling, and gliding down to their nests as you walk through the Gorge.Â
Wildebeest roam the plains surrounding the rock, baboons climb its sides, and a diverse array of bird life can be observed from here. It is an important nesting site for hundreds of Rüppell’s griffon vultures, which breed in March and April when the plains are plentiful of food.  Â
During the dry season, the Olkarien Gorge serves as an important water catchment area for both people and wildlife. It also serves as a home to a plethora of migratory wild animals during the great migration. Hundreds of vultures can be spotted soaring, circling, and gliding down to their nests as you walk through the Gorge.Â
Wildebeest roam the plains surrounding the rock, baboons climb its sides, and a diverse array of bird life can be observed from here. It is an important nesting site for hundreds of Rüppell’s griffon vultures, which breed in March and April when the plains are plentiful of food.  Â
During the dry season, the Olkarien Gorge serves as an important water catchment area for both people and wildlife. It also serves as a home to a plethora of migratory wild animals during the great migration. Hundreds of vultures can be spotted soaring, circling, and gliding down to their nests as you walk through the Gorge.Â
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